"Creating Insight through Shared Knowledge"
Corporate Membership are exposed to leading speakers and workshops from across North America on what matters to Product Managers in all phases of their career.
Team leaders find that TPMA is an established and proven way to express your dedication to team building to senior executives and to your team.
Team members learn about important topics as well as network with peers from different corporate cultures and markets. Interaction builds a firm product management foundation quickly; through shared experiences.
Corporate members qualify for the Mentorship program, which runs from December through to June each year. The program provides a great opportunity for both senior and junior staff, and can contribute to not only the success of the department, but the entire organization.
Includes up to 10 individuals (a savings of 50% over individual memberships).
Visit tpma.ca/join to register.
Individual annual membership and corporate sponsorship programs offer more opportunities to participate in the vibrant Toronto product management community
Upcoming events at tpma.ca/events/
Questions? Contact membership@tpma.ca.